1 02647nam^^2200469^^^4500001001400000005001700014006001900031007001500050008004100065035001500106037009000121040004500211100002300256245028100279246006300560246006300623260014400686300001100830500001300841500005700854500009300911500002901004500005701033510002401090530004201114533008901156655002901245650004301274700003601317700002801353793003101381852001501412852001401427856015401441856015401595852003001749852002801779856015401807856014901961830004702110901002002157
\1em d
\1ecr bn |||a|bb|
\1e920330s1583 enk s 000 0 eng d
\1e \1fa99851339eo
\1e \1faCL0036000039
\1fbProQuest Information and Learning. 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106
\1e \1faCu-RivES
\1faClinton, Atkinson.
\1faClinton, Purser & Arnold, to their countreymen wheresoeuer
\1fh[electronic resource] :
\1fbWherein is described by their own hands their vnfeigned penitence for their offences past: their patience in welcoming their death, & their duetiful minds towardes her most excellent Maiestie
\1faClinton, Purser & Arnold, to their countreymen wheresoever
\1faClinton, Purser & Arnold, to their countreymen wheresoever
\1e \1faLondon :
\1fbImprinted by Iohn Wolfe and are to be sold [by W. Wright] at the middle shop in the Poultry, ioyning S. Mildreds Church,
\1e \1fa[12] p
\1e \1faIn verse
\1e \1faThe first poem is signed: Thomas Walton alias Purser
\1e \1faClinton's full name and bookseller's name from, and publication date conjectured by, STC
\1e \1faSignatures: A
\e(B B
\1e \1faReproduction of the original in the Bodleian Library
\1faSTC (2nd ed.)
\1e \1faAlso issued in print and on microform
\1e \1faElectronic reproduction.
\1fnMode of access: World Wide Web.
\1fnRestricted to UC campuses
\1e 7
\1faElectronic texts.
\1e 0
\1fvEarly works to 1800.
\1faWalton, Thomas,
\1fdfl. 1583.
\1fdfl. 1583.
\1faEarly English books online
\1e \1faMER
\1e \1faSCB
\1fzRestricted to UC campuses
\1fzRestricted to UC campuses
\1e \1faDVXL
\1e \1faLAGE
\1f3Online access
\1fzRestricted to UC campuses
\1fzRestricted to UC campuses
\1e 0
\1faEarly English books, 1475-1640 ;
\1e \1faDVXL