[irspy-moved-to-github.git] / web / htdocs / details / find.mc
1 % if (&utf8param($r,"_search")) {
2 %     $m->comp("found.mc");
3 % } else {
4      <p>
5       Choose one or more critera by which to search for registered
6       targets, then press the <b>Search</b> button.
7 <& /help/link.mc, help => "find" &>
8      </p>
9      <form method="get" action="">
10       <table class="searchform">
11        <tr>
12         <th>(Anywhere)</th>
13         <td><input type="text" name="cql.anywhere" size="40"/></td>
14        </tr>
15        <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
16        <tr>
17         <th>Name</th>
18         <td><input type="text" name="dc.title" size="40"/></td>
19        </tr>
20        <tr>
21         <th>Country</th>
22         <td>
23          <select name="zeerex.country" size="1">
24 % my $options = $m->comp("country-list.mc");
25 % foreach my $option (@$options) {
26           <option value="<% xml_encode(cql_quote($option)) %>"><%
27                 xml_encode($option) %></option>
28 % }
29          </select>
30         </td>
31        </tr>
32        <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
33        <tr>
34         <th>Protocol</th>
35         <td>
36          <select name="net.protocol" size="1">
37           <option value="">[No preference]</option>
38           <option value="z39.50">Z39.50</option>
39           <option value="sru">SRU</option>
40           <option value="srw">SRW</option>
41          </select>
42         </td>
43        </tr>
44        <tr>
45         <th>Host</th>
46         <td><input type="text" name="net.host" size="40"/></td>
47        </tr>
48        <tr>
49         <th>Port</th>
50         <td><input type="text" name="net.port" size="5"/></td>
51        </tr>
52        <tr>
53         <th>Database Name</th>
54         <td><input type="text" name="net.path" size="20"/></td>
55        </tr>
56        <tr>
57         <th>Reliability at least</th>
58         <td><input type="text" name="zeerex.reliabilityAtLeast" size="20"/></td>
59        </tr>
60 <%doc>
61        <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
62        <tr>
63         <th>Version</th>
64         <td><input type="text" name="net.version" size="5"/></td>
65        </tr>
66        <tr>
67         <th>Method</th>
68         <td>
69          <select name="net.method" size="1">
70           <option value="">[No preference]</option>
71           <option value="get">GET</option>
72           <option value="post">POST</option>
73          </select>
74         </td>
75        </tr>
76 </%doc>
77        <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
78        <tr>
79         <th>Type of Library</th>
80         <td>
81          <select name="zeerex.libType" size="1">
82 % $options = $m->comp("libtype-list.mc");
83 % foreach my $option (@$options) {
84           <option value="<% xml_encode($option) %>"><%
85                 xml_encode($option) %></option>
86 % }
87          </select>
88         </td>
89        </tr>
90        <tr>
91         <th>Description</th>
92         <td><input type="text" name="dc.description" size="40"/></td>
93        </tr>
94        <tr>
95         <th>Author</th>
96         <td><input type="text" name="dc.creator" size="40"/></td>
97        </tr>
98        <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
99        <tr>
100         <th>Sort by</th>
101         <td>
102          <select name="_sort" size="1">
103           <option value="">[Do not sort]</option>
104           <option value="dc.title">Title</option>
105           <option value="dc.creator">Author</option>
106           <option value="net.host">Host</option>
107           <option value="net.port/numeric">Port</option>
108           <option value="net.path">Database</option>
109          </select>
110          <input type="checkbox" id="desc" name="_desc" value="1"/>
111          <label for="desc">descending?</label>
112         </td>
113        </tr>
114        <tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
115        <tr>
116         <th/>
117         <th><input type="submit" name="_search" value="Search"/></th>
118        </tr>
119       </table>
120       <p>
121        <small>
122         Show
123         <input type="text" name="_count" size="4" value="10"/>
124         records, skipping the first
125         <input type="text" name="_skip" size="4" value="0"/>
126        </small>
127       </p>
128      </form>
129 % }