[idzebra-moved-to-github.git] / zebraidx-man.sgml
1 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
2      <!ENTITY zebraidx-options SYSTEM "zebraidx-options.xml">
3 ]>
4 <!-- $Id: zebraidx-man.sgml,v 1.1 2002-09-19 21:06:51 adam Exp $ -->
5 <refentry id="zebraidx">
7  <refmeta>
8   <refentrytitle>zebraidx</refentrytitle>
9   <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
10  </refmeta>
12  <refnamediv>
13   <refname>zebraidx</refname>
14   <refpurpose>Zebra Administrative Tool</refpurpose>
15  </refnamediv>
17  <refsynopsisdiv>
18   <cmdsynopsis>
19    <command>zebraidx</command>
20    <arg choice="opt"><option>-t <replaceable>type</replaceable></option></arg>
21    <arg choice="opt"><option>-c <replaceable>config</replaceable></option></arg>
22    <arg choice="opt"><option>-g <replaceable>group</replaceable></option></arg>
23    <arg choice="opt"><option>-d <replaceable>database</replaceable></option></arg>
24    <arg choice="opt"><option>-m <replaceable>mbytes</replaceable></option></arg>
25    <arg choice="opt"><option>-n</option></arg>
26    <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
27    <arg choice="opt"><option>-v <replaceable>level</replaceable></option></arg>
28    <arg choice="opt"><option>-l <replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg>
29    <arg choice="opt"><option>-L</option></arg>
30    <arg choice="opt"><option>-f <replaceable>number</replaceable></option></arg>
31    <arg choice="opt"><option>-v</option></arg>
32    <arg choice="req"><replaceable>command</replaceable></arg>
33    <arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>
34   </cmdsynopsis>
36   <refsect1><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
37    <para>
38     <command>zebraidx</command> allows you to insert, delete or updates
39     records in Zebra. <command>zebraidx</command> accepts a set options
40     (see below) and exactly one command (mandatory).
41     </para>
42   </refsect1>
43   <refsect1>
44    <title>COMMANDS</title>
45    <variablelist>
46     <varlistentry>
47      <term>update <replaceable>file ...</replaceable></term>
48      <listitem><para>
49        Reads records from locations given by <replaceable>file</replaceable>
50        and updates the register accordingly (to be in sync).
51       </para></listitem>
52     </varlistentry>
53     <varlistentry>
54      <term>delete <replaceable>file ...</replaceable></term>
55      <listitem><para>
56        Reads records from locations given by <replaceable>file</replaceable>
57        and deletes the corresponding records in the register.
58       </para></listitem>
59     </varlistentry>
60     <varlistentry>
61      <term>commit</term>
62      <listitem><para>
63        Commit changes. Only allowed when shadow registers
64        are enabled.
65       </para></listitem>
66     </varlistentry>
67     <varlistentry>
68      <term>clean</term>
69      <listitem><para>
70        Clean shadow files and "forget" changes.
71       </para></listitem>
72     </varlistentry>
73    </variablelist>
74   <refsect1>
75    <title>OPTIONS</title>
76     &zebraidx-options;
77   </refsect1>
78   <refsect1><title>FILES</title>
79    <para>
80     <filename>zebra.cfg</filename>
81    </para>
82   </refsect1>
83   <refsect1><title>SEE ALSO</title>
84    <para>
85     <citerefentry>
86      <refentrytitle>zebrasrv</refentrytitle>
87      <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
88     </citerefentry>
89    </para>
90    <para>
91     Section "Administrating Zebra" in the Zebra manual.
92    </para>
93   </refsect1>
94 </refentry>
96 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
97 Local variables:
98 mode: sgml
99 sgml-omittag:t
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102 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
103 sgml-indent-step:1
104 sgml-indent-data:t
105 sgml-parent-document:nil
106 sgml-local-catalogs: nil
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