Uses of Class

Packages that use CharConverter
org.marc4j Classes to read and write MARC and MARCXML records. 
org.marc4j.converter.impl Classes for byte and character conversions. 

Uses of CharConverter in org.marc4j

Methods in org.marc4j that return CharConverter
 CharConverter MarcXmlWriter.getConverter()
          Returns the character converter.
 CharConverter MarcWriter.getConverter()
          Returns the character converter.
 CharConverter MarcStreamWriter.getConverter()
          Returns the character converter.

Methods in org.marc4j with parameters of type CharConverter
 void MarcXmlWriter.setConverter(CharConverter converter)
          Sets the character converter.
 void MarcWriter.setConverter(CharConverter converter)
          Sets the character converter.
 void MarcStreamWriter.setConverter(CharConverter converter)
          Sets the character converter.

Uses of CharConverter in org.marc4j.converter.impl

Subclasses of CharConverter in org.marc4j.converter.impl
 class AnselToUnicode
           A utility to convert MARC-8 data to non-precomposed UCS/Unicode.
 class Iso5426ToUnicode
           A utility to convert UNIMARC data to UCS/Unicode.
 class Iso6937ToUnicode
           A utility to convert ISO 6937 data to UCS/Unicode.
 class UnicodeToAnsel
           A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to MARC-8.
 class UnicodeToIso5426
           A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to UNIMARC (ISO 5426 charset).
 class UnicodeToIso6937
           A utility to convert UCS/Unicode data to ISO 6937.

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