YAZ provides a fast utility that decodes MARC records and encodes to a varity of output formats. The MARC records must be encoded in ISO2709.

    #include <yaz/marcdisp.h>

    /* create handler */
    yaz_marc_t yaz_marc_create(void);
    /* destroy */
    void yaz_marc_destroy(yaz_marc_t mt);

    /* set XML mode YAZ_MARC_LINE, YAZ_MARC_SIMPLEXML, ... */
    void yaz_marc_xml(yaz_marc_t mt, int xmlmode);
    #define YAZ_MARC_LINE      0
    #define YAZ_MARC_SIMPLEXML 1
    #define YAZ_MARC_OAIMARC   2
    #define YAZ_MARC_MARCXML   3
    #define YAZ_MARC_ISO2709   4
    #define YAZ_MARC_XCHANGE   5

    /* supply iconv handle for character set conversion .. */
    void yaz_marc_iconv(yaz_marc_t mt, yaz_iconv_t cd);

    /* set debug level, 0=none, 1=more, 2=even more, .. */
    void yaz_marc_debug(yaz_marc_t mt, int level);

    /* decode MARC in buf of size bsize. Returns >0 on success; <=0 on failure.
    On success, result in *result with size *rsize. */
    int yaz_marc_decode_buf (yaz_marc_t mt, const char *buf, int bsize,
                             char **result, int *rsize);

    /* decode MARC in buf of size bsize. Returns >0 on success; <=0 on failure.
       On success, result in WRBUF */
    int yaz_marc_decode_wrbuf (yaz_marc_t mt, const char *buf,
                               int bsize, WRBUF wrbuf);


A MARC conversion handle must be created by using yaz_marc_create and destroyed by calling yaz_marc_destroy.

All other function operate on a yaz_marc_t handle. The output is specified by a call to yaz_marc_xml. The xmlmode must be one of


A simple line-by-line format suitable for display but not recommend for further (machine) processing.


The resulting record is converted to MARCXML.


The resulting record is converted to ISO2709 (MARC).

The actual conversion functions are yaz_marc_decode_buf and yaz_marc_decode_wrbuf which decodes and encodes a MARC record. The former function operates on simple buffers, the stores the resulting record in a WRBUF handle (WRBUF is a simple string type).

Example 8.11. Display of MARC record

The followint program snippet illustrates how the MARC API may be used to convert a MARC record to the line-by-line format:

      void print_marc(const char *marc_buf, int marc_buf_size)
         char *result;      /* for result buf */
         int result_len;    /* for size of result */
         yaz_marc_t mt = yaz_marc_create();
         yaz_marc_xml(mt, YAZ_MARC_LINE);
         yaz_marc_decode_buf(mt, marc_buf, marc_buf_size,
                             &result, &result_len);
         fwrite(result, result_len, 1, stdout);
         yaz_marc_destroy(mt);  /* note that result is now freed... */