Chapter 4. Generic server

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Database Frontend
3. The Backend API
4. Your main() Routine
5. The Backend Functions
5.1. Init
5.2. Search and Retrieve
5.3. Delete
5.4. Scan
6. Application Invocation
7. GFS Configuration and Virtual Hosts

1. Introduction

If you aren't into documentation, a good way to learn how the back end interface works is to look at the backend.h file. Then, look at the small dummy-server in ztest/ztest.c. The backend.h file also makes a good reference, once you've chewed your way through the prose of this file.

If you have a database system that you would like to make available by means of Z39.50 or SRU, YAZ basically offers your two options. You can use the APIs provided by the Z39.50 ASN.1, ODR, and COMSTACK modules to create and decode PDUs, and exchange them with a client. Using this low-level interface gives you access to all fields and options of the protocol, and you can construct your server as close to your existing database as you like. It is also a fairly involved process, requiring you to set up an event-handling mechanism, protocol state machine, etc. To simplify server implementation, we have implemented a compact and simple, but reasonably full-functioned server-frontend that will handle most of the protocol mechanics, while leaving you to concentrate on your database interface.


The backend interface was designed in anticipation of a specific integration task, while still attempting to achieve some degree of generality. We realize fully that there are points where the interface can be improved significantly. If you have specific functions or parameters that you think could be useful, send us a mail (or better, sign on to the mailing list referred to in the top-level README file). We will try to fit good suggestions into future releases, to the extent that it can be done without requiring too many structural changes in existing applications.


The YAZ server does not support XCQL.