Chapter 6. ziffy

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Using Ziffy

1. Introduction

ziffy is a promiscuous Z39.50 APDU sniffer, like the popular tcpdump. ziffy can capture and show all Z39.50 traffic on your LAN segment.

ziffy is copyright Rocco Carbone and is covered by the GPL. ziffy uses libpcap to capture the packages and is part of YAZ 2.1.42 or later. Source and documentation for the ziffy utility is part of the sub directory ziffy in the YAZ source package.

The ziffy software is also a standalone piece of software and can be obtained separately. The ziffy as part of YAZ, uses YAZ for decoding Z39.50 packages. The standalone version can use different decoders (SNACC and X/ASN.1)