# Config file for dbc-opensearch # # The program first tries to load /etc/dbc-opensearch-gw.cfg # If that fails, tries to load dbc-opensearch-gw.cfg in current dir # If that fails, outputs a warning and runs with defaults. # Defining the back end # These three are concatenated to get the URL to the opensearch server. # Later more stuff is appended, like the query, start and number of records, # etc. Any URL parameter can be overridden in the database name, see below database: Default baseurl: http://openbibdk.addi.dk/0.8/ objectformat: dkabm #constantparams: action=search&facets.numberOfTerms=10&facets.facetName=facet.creator&facets.facetName=facet.type&facets.facetName=facet.subject&agency=100200&profile=test&collectionType=work constantparams: action=search&agency=100200&profile=test&collectionType=work&rank=rank_general fields: bibliotek.dk.fields.txt database: bibliotek.work baseurl: http://openbibdk.addi.dk/0.8/ objectformat: marcxchange constantparams: action=search&facets.numberOfTerms=10&facets.facetName=facet.creator&facets.facetName=facet.type&facets.facetName=facet.subject&agency=100200&profile=test&collectionType=work fields: bibliotek.dk.fields.txt database: bibliotek.manifestation baseurl: http://openbibdk.addi.dk/0.8/ objectformat: marcxchange constantparams: action=search&facets.numberOfTerms=10&facets.facetName=facet.creator&facets.facetName=facet.type&facets.facetName=facet.subject&agency=100200&profile=test&collectionType=manifestation fields: bibliotek.dk.fields.txt # Looks like the collectionType can be one of # 'manifestation' for single records # 'work' for some kind of clustered records # 'work-1' looks like manifestation to me, but can be something else # agency=400151 gets (only) music stuff, and that has no marc stuff # agency=100200 returns books and articles, that can handle marc stuff # # includeMarcXchange=true asks for MarcXchange record (in some versions). # OR objectFormat=marcxchange (other versions) #chunksize: 10; # initial number of records to get, grows to max present req. # Set to 1 to get much more debug log debug: 0 #debug: 1 # Instead of talking to opensearch, it is possible to load test data from # a file. The start position and number of records is appended to the file # name given below, so that you can test with different files. #test_data: /tmp/test_data_file # f.ex. /tmp/test_data_file_1_10.xml # Formatting of the results # 0 - do not format # 1 - do format # (passed directly to LibXML's toString) #prettyxml: 0 prettyxml: 1 # Operators #op_and: AND #op_or: OR #op_not: NOT