{ # $Id: tform.egw,v 1.1 1996/01/24 14:14:20 adam Exp $ if {[info commands saveState] == ""} { source z39util.tcl } html "

Target definition form

\n" html {
} \n html "
" html "\n
Target name\n" html {
} html "\n
Description\n" html {
} html "\n
Host and port\n" html {
} html "\n
For example myhost.com:210" html "\n
Authentication\n" html {
} html "\n
Some targets require authentacation strings, " html "i.e. passwords. Leave this field empty if no authentication " html "string is required." html "\n
Databases\n" html {
} html "\n
Separate each database by blanks" html "\n
Search fields\n" html {
} html "\n
" html {Specify search fields, such as Title/Author,ISBN, etc. and } html {their mappings to the Bib-1 attribute for this target.} html { Note: If you don't know how to set these - leave them untouched!} html "" html "\n

\n" html {} html {} html "\n
\n" } { button-europagate button-new-target 0 }