--- /dev/null
+BEGIN /.*$/ { begin record email; begin context headers }
+/^From .*$/ { unread 0; end element; end record }
+CONTEXT {headers}
+/^[A-Z][^:]*/ /: / { end element; begin element $0 }
+/\n\n/ { end context; end element; begin element body }
+/\n/ {}
+/^\t/ { data " " }
+/^ / { data " " }
+END { end record }
-# VMware software license - All data changed to protect everybody
-Fields = "Cpt, Name, LicenseType, LicenseClass, Count, LicenseKey, ProductID, ProductType"
-StartFields = "Cpt, Name, LicenseType, LicenseClass, Field2"
-Field2 = "Count, LicenseKey, ProductID, ProductType"
-Cpt = "COPYRIGHT (c) VMware, Inc. 1999"
-Name = "Index Data 1 of 1"
LicenseType = "User"
LicenseClass = "Commercial"
-Count = "1 of 1"
-LicenseKey = "xxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.x"
-ProductID = "VMware for Linux"
-ProductType = "x.x"
-Hash = 3xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx