Put bookinfo section in separate file bookinfo.xml.
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+ <title>YAZ User's Guide and Reference</title>
+ <author><firstname>Sebastian</firstname><surname>Hammer</surname></author>
+ <author><firstname>Adam</firstname><surname>Dickmeiss</surname></author>
+ <author><firstname>Mike</firstname><surname>Taylor</surname></author>
+ <author><firstname>Heikki</firstname><surname>Levanto</surname></author>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>©right-year;</year>
+ <holder>Index Data</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <abstract><simpara>
+ This document is the programmer's guide and reference to the &yaz;
+ package version &version;. &yaz; is a compact toolkit that provides
+ access to the Z39.50 and SRW/SRU protocols, as well as a set of
+ higher-level tools for implementing the server and client
+ roles, respectively.
+ The documentation can be used on its own, or as a reference when
+ looking at the example applications provided with the package.
+ </simpara>
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- <title>YAZ User's Guide and Reference</title>
- <author><firstname>Sebastian</firstname><surname>Hammer</surname></author>
- <author><firstname>Adam</firstname><surname>Dickmeiss</surname></author>
- <author><firstname>Mike</firstname><surname>Taylor</surname></author>
- <author><firstname>Heikki</firstname><surname>Levanto</surname></author>
- <copyright>
- <year>©right-year;</year>
- <holder>Index Data</holder>
- </copyright>
- <abstract><simpara>
- This document is the programmer's guide and reference to the &yaz;
- package version @VERSION@. &yaz; is a compact toolkit that provides
- access to the Z39.50 and SRW/SRU protocols, as well as a set of
- higher-level tools for implementing the server and client
- roles, respectively.
- The documentation can be used on its own, or as a reference when
- looking at the example applications provided with the package.
- </simpara>
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