+++ /dev/null
-# Simple Zebra configuration file
-# $Id: xs-test.cfg,v 1.3 2005-12-12 17:24:49 mike Exp $
-# Where the schema files, attribute files, etc are located.
-profilePath: .:../../tab
-# Files that describe the attribute sets supported.
-attset: bib1.att
-attset: gils.att
-attset: explain.att
-recordtype: grs.sgml
-isam: b
-# Flags for the non-authenticated user. w=write (allows ES Updates)
-perm.user: r
-perm.admin: rw
-passwd: xs-pwfile
-someCrappyNonExistentDirectiveThatWillJustBeIgnored: fruit
-#rank: zvrank
-# Don't use a recordId taken from the record itself: the test-suite
-# currently supplies its own recordIds.
-#recordId: (bib-1,title)
-modulePath: ../../recctrl/.libs
-#shadow: shadow:100M
-#register: register:100M