log("HTML search form");
- mkws.handleNodeWithTeam(findnode('.mkwsSearch'), function(tname) {
- this.html('\
-<form name="mkwsSearchForm" class="mkwsSearchForm mkwsTeam_' + tname + '" action="" >\
- <input class="mkwsQuery mkwsTeam_' + tname + '" type="text" size="' + mkws_config.query_width + '" />\
- <input class="mkwsButton mkwsTeam_' + tname + '" type="submit" value="' + M('Search') + '" />\
+ findnode('.mkwsSearch').html('\
+<form name="mkwsSearchForm" class="mkwsSearchForm mkwsTeam_' + m_teamName + '" action="" >\
+ <input class="mkwsQuery mkwsTeam_' + m_teamName + '" type="text" size="' + mkws_config.query_width + '" />\
+ <input class="mkwsButton mkwsTeam_' + m_teamName + '" type="submit" value="' + M('Search') + '" />\
- });
log("HTML records");
// If the team has a .mkwsResults, populate it in the usual