-$Id: Changes,v 1.11 2002-11-15 12:03:00 mike Exp $
+$Id: Changes,v 1.12 2002-11-15 15:28:03 mike Exp $
Revision history for "cql-java"
See the bottom of this file for a list of things still to do.
think it's actually possible to fix this without throwing
out StreakTokenizer and rolling our own, which we absolutely
_don't_ want to do.
+ - Add support for the new "phonetic" relation modifier,
+ including its mapping in "etc/pqf.properties".
- Describe prefix-mapping in the CQL tutorial (not really
anything to do with cql-java, but this note will remind me
to do it.)
- - Add support for the new "phonetic" relation modifier.
- Write javadoc comments for CQLRelation and ModifierSet.
- Write "overview" file for the javadoc documentation.
- Some niceties for the cql-decompiling back-end: