<index type="bf.contributor">
?work bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- </index>
+ </index>
+ <index type="bf.anyauthor">
+ {
+ ?work bf:creator ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?work bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ }
+ </index>
<!-- Subjects -->
<index type="bf.subject">
<!-- Title indexes -->
<!-- These are messy, there are so many ways to get to a title -->
- <!-- Main title. Looks logical, but in practice we have seen only a very
- small number of these -->
+ <!-- Main title. Looks logical. Many instances seem to have a title -->
<index type="bf.title">
?inst bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- <!-- worktitle seems to be the most common way to store the title of a work -->
+ <!-- instancetitle is also pretty common -->
<index type="bf.instancetitle">
?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ <index type="bf.titlestatement">
+ ?inst bf:titleStatement %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <!-- Combining the two above, since users are not likely to know how
+ a given title has been indexed -->
+ <index type="bf.maintitle">
+ {
+ ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?inst bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ }
+ </index>
+ <!-- the instancetitle can also contain a subtitle and a parttitle -->
+ <index type="bf.subtitle">
+ ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?it bf:subtitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <index type="bf.parttitle">
+ ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?it bf:partTitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <!-- We could also go to the works, and get those titles... -->
+ <!-- Combining any kind of title into one index -->
+ <index type="bf.anytitle">
+ {
+ ?inst bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?inst bf:titleStatement %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?inst ?titlerel ?it . <!-- any kind of link -->
+ ?it a bf:Title <!-- to something that is a title -->
+ {
+ ?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?it bf:partTitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?it bf:subtitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ }
+ }
+ </index>
+ <!-- Author indexes. Many instances don't have any, works do -->
+ <index type="bf.creator">
+ ?inst bf:creator ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <index type="bf.workcreator">
+ ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?work bf:creator ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <index type="bf.workcontributor">
+ ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?work bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <index type="bf.contributor">
+ ?inst bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <index type="bf.anyauthor">
+ {
+ ?inst bf:creator ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?inst bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?work bf:creator ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ } UNION {
+ ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?work bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ }
+ </index>
<!-- BF-L is just the links -->
<present type="BF-L">