--- /dev/null
+mkws.registerWidgetType('Credo', function() {
+ s = []
+ s.push('<table>');
+ // Main panel: encylopaedia and images on the left, topics on the right
+ s.push('<tr>');
+ s.push('<td class="main">');
+ s.push('<div class="encyclopaedia">');
+ s.push('<div class="title">Topic Page: ### title</div>');
+ s.push(this.subwidget('Reference'));
+ s.push('</div>');
+ s.push('<div class="images">');
+ s.push('<div class="title">Images</div>');
+ s.push(this.subwidget('Images', { /* ### config */ } ));
+ s.push('</div>');
+ s.push('</td>');
+ s.push('<td class="side">');
+ s.push('<div class="mindmap">');
+ s.push('<div class="title">Create a Mind Map for ### title</div>');
+ // ### Is there a way to make a mind-map?
+ s.push('</div>');
+ s.push('<div class="topics">');
+ s.push('<div class="title">Related Topics</div>');
+ s.push(this.subwidget('Facet', { facet: 'subject' }));
+ s.push('</div>');
+ s.push('</td>');
+ s.push('</tr>');
+ s.push('<tr>');
+ s.push('</td>');
+ s.push('<div class="entries">');
+ s.push('<div class="title">Credo Entries</div>');
+ s.push(this.subwidget('Records', { /* ### config */ }));
+ s.push('</div>');
+ s.push('</td>');
+ s.push('</tr>');
+ // More TRs for Articles, Books, News, Suggested Resources
+ s.push('</table>');
+ this.node.html(s.join(''));