-# $Id: Connection.pm,v 1.16 2007-05-01 16:30:17 mike Exp $
+# $Id: Connection.pm,v 1.17 2007-12-12 10:45:07 mike Exp $
package ZOOM::IRSpy::Connection;
my $rs = $irspy->{conn}->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query));
my $n = $rs->size();
$this->log("irspy", "query '$query' found $n records");
+ ### More than 1 hit is always an error and indicates duplicate
+ # records in the database; no hits is fine for a new target
+ # being probed for the first time, but not if the connection is
+ # being created as part of an "all known targets" scan.
my $zeerex;
$zeerex = render_record($rs, 0, "zeerex") if $n > 0;
$this->{record} = new ZOOM::IRSpy::Record($this, $target, $zeerex);