set c [split $version .]
set versionl [expr ([lindex $c 0] * 256 + [lindex $c 1]) * 256 + [lindex $c 2]]
-set maps(YAZ_VERSION_HEX) [format %x $versionl]
+set maps(VERSION_HEX) [format %x $versionl]
if {[llength $c] == 3} {
lappend c 1
DEBUG=0 # 0 for release, 1 for debug
+# TCL is optional - ONLY needed for source straight from Git
# EXPAT is optional. It's required for grs.xml-filters.
EXPAT_DIR=c:\Program files\Expat 2.0.1
default: all
-all: dirs expat iconv libxml2 libxslt icu yaz dll zserver zebraidx tstflock
+all: dirs generate expat iconv libxml2 libxslt icu yaz dll zserver zebraidx tstflock
# Directories
# The current directory is supposed to be something like
+# Generated sources
+generate: $(INCLDIR)\idzebra\version.h
+ @cd $(ROOTDIR)\util
+ $(TCL) mk_version.tcl $(ROOTDIR)/ $(INCLDIR)\idzebra\version.h
# Source and object modules
# Note: Ordinary source files are not specified here at
# all, make finds them in suitable dirs. The object modules