I run a performance test and run 100 parallel requests.
The machine swapped and crashed. I set a limit of 32 running scripts.
# For debian & unbuntu: please read irspy/README for a list of depending packages
+# an irspy toroid process takes up to 90MB for each request
+# 90*32 => 3GB RAM
+MaxClients 32
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName irspy.indexdata.com
ServerAlias irspy2.indexdata.com irspy irspy-dev.indexdata.com
# map /toroid to CGI script irspy-toroid.cgi
ScriptAlias /toroid/records /home/indexdata/irspy-toroid/irspy-toroid.cgi
# legacy ruby daemon
#ProxyPass /toroid/ http://localhost:12367/
#ProxyPassReverse /toroid/ http://localhost:12367/
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE