-$Id: Changes,v 1.2 2006-06-20 12:36:11 mike Exp $
+$Id: Changes,v 1.3 2006-09-21 16:16:01 mike Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension ZOOM::IRSpy.
+ ### Fix display of non-ASCII characters in, for example, the
+ list of targets beginning with "R".
+ ### Change targets() API to accept a Perl list rather than a
+ space-separated string.
+ ### Change check.html parameters to cleanly accept multiple
+ target IDs even if they contain spaces.
+ ### Add Dublin Core record format to Zebra configuration.
+ ### Much better "Add a target" form, including:
+ - Name
+ - URL to hosting organisation
+ - Email to technical contact
+ - Username/password if needed
+ - Type of library (Academic, Public, Corporate,
+ Special, National, Education or Other)
+ - Country.
+ ### Ability to add target bu uploading a ZeeRex record.
+ ### Capture YAZ logging output for web display.
+ ### Make full-record display for target records.
+ ### Link from target-test results to full and raw records.
+ ### Form for editing details of an existing target.
+ ### Maybe require authentication for database-changing
+ operations such as target testing, adding a new target and
+ editing and existing one.
+ ### Mark targets that persistently don't respond.
+ ### Email administrative contact on failure.
+ ### Add statistics page like that one at
+ http://targettest.indexdata.com/stat.php
+ ### When adding a new database, check for pre-existence, using
+ IP address/hostname canonicalisation.
- Renamed from Net::Z3950::IRSpy to ZOOM::IRSpy