+++ /dev/null
---- 1.3.16 2004/03/29
-For text filter, return only header if elementSetName=H . elementSetName=R
-returns contents only. Other elementSetName returns both header+content.
-Added test for charmap and rusmarc.
-Added feature charmaps (.chr) so that characters may be specified in
-\LXXXX HEX notation.
-Fixed problem with encoding directive for charmap(.chr) files.
-Allow Remote insert/delete/replace/update with record, recordIdNumber
-(sysno) and/or recordIdOpaque(user supplied record Id). If both
-IDs are omitted internal record ID match is assumed (recordId: - in
-zebra cfg).
---- 1.3.15 2004/01/15
-Fix bug. X-Path attribute expressions with spaces in them now works.
-Fix base address for MARC output.
---- 1.3.14 2003/11/29
-Fix bug with shadow and result set handling.
-Implement MARCXML to ISO2709 conversion.
---- 1.3.13 2003/09/26
-Add missing examples for Windows install.
-Fix bug in regx filter to make it "greedy" again. This bug appeared
-in version 1.3.12.
-Fix a few tests.
---- 1.3.12 2003/09/08
-Fix XML error handling. Stop XML parse immediately if XML parse error
-occur (i.e. produce one error only).
-Zebra ignores "unsupported use attribute" for individual databases
-when search multiple databases (unless all databases fail).
-New filter grs.marcxml which works like grs.marc but produces MARCXML.
-Added support for database deletion. It is possible to create/drop
-a database from zebraidx utility. Note: only for isam:b.
-Write zebrasrv.pid to lockdir.
-Bug fix: result sets were not recovered correctly. Had to
-add ODR handle for zebra_search_RPN in order to make it work.
-Fixed a bug in regx filters that didn't do anchors (^) correctly.
-Fixed a bug in searches with X-Path searches sometimes giving "extra"
-Zebra server checks for zebrasrv.pid and refuses to start if it is already
-locked by another (running) zebrasrv.
-Fixed a bug with text being chunked in pieces for the grs.xml filter.
---- 1.3.11 2003/04/25
-xelm code updates. xelm works regardless state of 'xpath enable/disable'
-Avoid -L/usr/lib since that is already default library path.
-Allow multiple updates within one transaction.
-Fixed a bug with >2GB files (overflow in integer expression).
---- 1.3.10 2003/04/01
-Fix linker error for Perl module.
-Fix bug in and operation which in some cases could result in "extra"
-hits. Bug was introduced in 1.3.5.
-Fix bug in handling of schema conversion when producing numeric tags.
---- 1.3.9 2003/03/27
-Zvrank updates.
-Add missing files doc/zvrank.txt and doc/marc_indexing.xml.
---- 1.3.8 2003/03/26
-Zvrank: an experimental ranking algorithm. See doc/zvrank.txt and
-source in index/zvrank.c. Enable this by using rank: zvrank in zebra.cfg.
-Contributed by Johannes Leveling <Johannes.Leveling at fernuni-hagen.de>
-livrank: another experimental ranking algorithm. Source in livcode.c.
-Enable this by using rank: livrank in zebra.cfg and use -DLIV_CODE=1
-for CFLAGS.
-Contributed by Pete Mallinson, University of Liverpool.
-Advanced MARC indexing. See doc/marc_indexing.xml
- Oleg Kolobov <oleg at lib.tpu.ru>
-Perl API updates and fixes.
- Peter Popovics <pop at technomat.hu>
-Fixed 'zebraidx delete'.
-Implemented 'zebraidx clean'.
-64-bit offsets for register files on WIN32 (no 2 GB limit).
-Fixed a few memory leaks WRT sorting.
---- 1.3.7 2003/02/27
-Fixed error handling : error code was not properly returned.
-Support Truncation 104 (CCL).
---- 1.3.6 2003/02/25
-Added missing source files for perl extension.
---- 1.3.5 2003/02/23
-Implemented xelm directive.
-Updated for newer version of YAZ (introduction of string schema).
-Directory examples/zthes now part of distribution (was missing
-in previous release).
-New .abs directive, systag, that control where to put retrieval
-information. The directive takes two arguments: system tag, element name.
-System tag is one of : rank, sysno, size.
---- 1.3.4 2002/11/26
-Perl Filter and Perl API. By Peter Popovics.
-For zebra.cfg, if no profilePath is specified, directory
- (prefix)/share/idzebra/tab
-is used.
-Zebra Examples in examples . Zebra tests in test.
-Bug fix: sort index was not properly modified on
-record updates/deletes.
-Fix handling of character entities for sgml filter.
-Move data1 to Zebra (used to be part of YAZ).
---- 1.3.3 2002/10/05
-Fix character encoding of scan response terms.
-Fix character decoding of scan request terms.
-Fix ESpec handling (requires YAZ 1.9.1)
-Fix searches for complete fields.
---- 1.3.2 2002/09/09
-When name zebra is used in a filename or directory 'idzebra' is used
-instead to avoid confusion with GNU zebra (routing software).
-Zebra server stops with a fatal error if config file cannot be read.
-New config setting, followLinks, that controls whether update of files
-should follow symbolic. Set it to 1 (for enable) or 0 (to disable).
-By default symbolic links are followed.
-Fix MARC transfer . MARC fields had wrong data for multiple fields.
-XML record reader moved from YAZ to Zebra, to make YAZ less
-dependant on external libraries.
-Zebra uses yaz_iconv which is mini iconv library supporting UTF-8,
-UCS4, ISO-8859-1. This means that Zebra does UNICODE even
-on systems that doesn't offer iconv.
-XML record reader supports external system entities.
---- 1.3.1 2002/08/20
-New .abs-directive "xpath" that takes one argument: "enable"
-or "disable" to enable and disable XPath -indexing. If no "xpath"
-direcive is found in .abs-file , XPath-indexing is disabled to ensure
-backwards compatibility. For missing .abs-files XPath-indexing is
-enabled so that such records are searchable.
-Zebra warns about missing .abs-file only once (for each type).
-Fixed a bug in file update where already-inserted files could
-be treated as "new".
---- 1.3.0 2002/08/05
-Zebra license changed to GNU GPL.
-XPath-like queries used when RPN string attributes are used, eg.
- @attr 1=/portal/title sometitle
- @attr 1=/portal/title[@xml:lang=da] danishtitle
- @attr 1=/portal/title/@xml:lang da
- @attr 1=//title sometitle
-Zebra uses UTF-8 internally:
-1) New setting "encoding" for zebra.cfg that specifies encoding for
-OCTET terms in queries and record encoding for most transfer syntaxes
-(except those that use International Strings, such as GRS-1).
-2) The encoding of International strings is UTF-8 by default. It
-may be changed by character set negotiation. If character set
-negotiation is in effect and if records are selected for conversion
-these'll be converted to the selected character set - thus overriding
-the encoding setting in zebra.cfg.
-3) New directive "encoding" in .abs-files. This specifies the external
-character encoding for files indexed by zebra. However, if records
-themselves have an XML header that specifies and encoding that'll be used
-XML filter (-t grs.xml).
-Multiple registers. New setting in resource 'root' that holds base
-directory for register(s). A group a databases may be put in separate
-register in directory root/reg by using db name 'reg/db1' ... 'reg/dbN'.
---- 1.1.1 2002/03/21
-Fixes for Digital Unix
-Implemented hits per term using USR:SearchResult-1.
-New Zebra API. Locking system re-implemented.
---- 1.1.stable 2002/02/20
-Rank weight can be controlled with attribute type 9. Default
-value is 34. Recommended values between 1-36.
---- 1.1 2001/10/25
-Updated for YAZ version 1.8.
-Added support for termsets - a result set of terms matching
-a given query. For @attr 8=<set> creates termset named <set>.
-Added support for raw retrieval. Element Set Name R forces the
-text filter which returns the record in its original form.
-Added numerical sort - triggered by structure=numeric (4=109).
-Remote record import using Z39.50 Extended Services and Segments.
-Fixed bug where updating a database with user-defined attributes
-could corrupt the register (bad storeKeys).
-Multi-threaded version.
-Fixed bug regarding proximity.
-Documentation updates.
-Fixed bug in record retrieval module that occured on 64-bit OSF
---- 1.0.1 2000/2/10
-Fixed bug in makefile for WIN32.
-Fixed bug in configure script - used bash-specific features.
---- 1.0 1999/12/10
-Added support for multiple records in one file for filter grs.sgml.
-Changed record index structure. New layout is incompatible with
-previous releases. Added setting "recordcompression" to control
-compression of records. Possible values are "none" (no
-compression) and bzip2 (compression using libbz2).
-Added XML transfer syntax support for retrieval of structured records.
-Schema in CompSpec is recognised in retrieval of structured records.
-Changed Tcl record filter so that it attemps to read <filt>.tflt. If
-that fails, the filter reads the file <filt>.flt (regx style filter).
-Implemented new Tcl record filter - use grs.tcl.<filter> to enable it.
-Zebra's configure script automatically attempts to locate Tcl. For
-manual Tcl configuration use option --with-tclconfig=<path> to specify
-where Tcl's library files are located.
-Implemented "compression" of Dictionary and ISAM system. Dictionary
-format HAS changed.
-Added "tagsysno" directive to zebra.cfg to control under which tag the
-system ID is placed. Use tagsysno: 0 to disable Zebra's system number
-Added "tagrank" as above.
-Changed file naming scheme for register files from <name>.mf.<no> to
-Implemented "position"-flag for register type (as defined in
-default.idx). When set to zero no position (or seqence number) is
-saved in register for each word occurrence, thus saving some register
-Implemented database mapping. Using mapdb one can specify a database
-to be mapped to one or more physical databases. Usage:
-mapdb <fromdb> <todb> ..
-Added SOIF-filter. Thanks to Peter Valkenburg.
-For the regx-filter "end element -record" may trigger a mark-of-record
-if outer level is reached.
-Tag sets may be typed in the reference to it. From the .abs-file the
-"tagset" directive takes a third optional integer type for the tag set
-referenced. From a .tag-file the "include" directive takes a third
-optional type as well. The old "type" directive in the tag set itself
-is still recognized but acts as the default type for the tag set.
-Zebra supports the specification of arbitrary attributes sets, schemas
-and tag sets, because of the change in YAZ' OID management system.
-Fixed bug in Sort that caused it NOT to use character mapping as it
-Zebra now uses GNU configure to generate Makefile(s).
-Added un-optimised support for left and left/right truncation attributes.
-Added support for relational operators on text when using RPN queries.
-Added support for sort specifications in RPN queries. Type 7 specifies
-'sort' where value 1=ascending, value 2=descending. The use attribute
-specifies the field criteria as usual. The term specifies priority
-where 0=first, 1=second, ...
-Changed the way use attributes are specified in the recordId
-Maximum number of databases in one Zebra register increased.
-New setting, databasePath, which specifies that first directory during
-update traversal is the database name (instead of a fixed one).
-New setting, explainDatabase, which specifies that databases are
-EXPLAIN aware.
-Modified Zebra so that it works with ASN.1 compiled code for YAZ.
-Implemented EXPLAIN database maintenance. Zebra automatically
-generate - and update CategoryList, TargetInfo, DatabaseInfo,
-AttributeSetInfo and AttributeDetails records at this stage. The
-records may be transferred as GRS-1, SUTRS or Explain.
-Fixed register spec so that colon isn't treated as size separator
-unless followed by [0-9+-] in order to allow DOS drive specifications.
-Fixed two bugs in ISAMC system.
-Changed the way Zebra keeps its maintenance information about attribute
-sets, available attributes, etc.. Records in "SGML" notation using an
-EXPLAIN schema is now used when appropriate.
-Bug fix: Index didn't handle update/insert/delete of the same record
-(i.e. same recordId) in one run (one invocation of zebraidx). Only the
-first occurence of a record is considered.
-Most searches now return correct number of hits.
-New modular ranking system. Interested programmers are encouraged to
-inspect rank1.c and improve the algorithm.
-Bug fix: Lock files weren't removed as they should on NT.
-Implemented Z39.50 Sort. Zebra's sort handler uses use attributes to
-specify a "sort register". Refer to the gils sample records which refer
-to index type "s" which is specified as "sort" in the default.idx file.
-Each sort criteria can either be Ascending or Descending and at most
-three sort elements can be specified.
-Bug fix: Character mapping didn't work for text files.
---- 1.0b1 1998/1/29
-Simple ranked searches now return correct number of hits.
-The test option (-s) only makes a read-lock on the index as well
-as using read-only operations anywhere.
-Moved towards generic character mapping. Configuration file default.idx
-specifies character map files for register types w, p, u, etc.
-Implemented "begin variant" for the sgml.regx - filter.
-Fixed a few memory leaks.
-Added support for C++, headers uses extern "C" for public definitions.
-Bug fix: The show records facility (-s) only displayed information for
-the first record in a file (and not for every record in the file).
-Added option "-f <n>" to limit the logging of record operations. After
-<n> records has been processed no logging is performed (unless errors
-Bug fix: the compressed ISAM system didn't handle update operations
-Added setting, "maxResultSetSize", to hold the number of records to
-save in a result set.
-Bug fix: Complete phrase did't work for search operations.
-Bug fix: temporary result sets weren't deleted.
-Reduced disk space for saved keys (storeKeys = 1).
-Added optional, physical ANY (key replication)
-Implemented proximity operator in search.
-Bug fix: the path name buffers used by file match traversal routines
-have been extended to support long file names.
-New C(ompressed) ISAM system. To enable it, specify "isam: c" in the
-configuration file. The resulting register without "storeKeys" is about
-half the size, and the memory used by zebraidx during phase 2 (merge) is
-reduced to a minimum.
-Reworked the way Regexp-2 queries with error tolerance are handled and
-specified. The documentation has been updated accordingly.
-Bug fix: Zebrasrv didn't search correctly when queries contained masking
-characters. This bug was introduced in 1.0a8.
-Zebrasrv now tag records with the proper database name.
-New settings, memMax and keyTmpDir.
-Changed name of setting lockDir (previously called lockPath) and
-setTmpDir (previously called tempSetPath).
-Generalized and changed record type specifications. In short, there are:
- text plain SUTRS
- grs.sgml structured, "SGML-like" syntax
- grs.regx.<filter> structured, Regular expression filter
- grs.marc.<abs> Reads *MARC records in the ISO2709 format. <abs>
- is the name of an abstract syntax file.
-Bug fix: Result sets weren't sorted in operations involving boolean
-operations with "ranked" operands.
---- 1.0a8 1996/6/6
-Added national character-handling subsystem.
-Various fixes.
-Small modifications to input filters and profiles.
-Added support for SOIF syntax (with private OID).
---- 1.0a7 1996/5/16
-Fixed buffer-size problem in indexing.
-Added compression to temporary files for updating.
-Added phrase registers.
-Added dynamic mapping of search attribute to multiple termlists (ANY).
-Scan support in multiple databases/registers.
-Configuration settings are case-insensitive and single dash (-)
-characters are ignored in comparisons.
-The index processing ignores empty files - warning given.
-New option to zebraidx (-V) displays version information.
---- 1.0a6 1996/2/24
-Fixed problem in file-update system.
-Fixed problem in shadow system; register was sometimes corrupted after
-a commit operation.
---- 1.0a5 1996/2/10
-Fixed problems in the ISAM subsystem. Caused difficulties when updating
-existing registers.
-Fixed small problem in SUTRS-filter. A newline was sometimes inserted before
-the rank and record number.
-Fixed bug in the isam subsystem - caused a malfunction when accessing
-words which occurred more than 10000 times.
-Distribution should now include YAZ (Z39.50 protocol stack) to simplify
-Server can now run under inetd. Use option -i, and -w <directory> to
-set working directory to desired location.
-New zebraidx command: clean - removes temporary shadow files.
-Fixed bug in ISAM system. Occurred rarely during register updates.
-Logging during index merge phase is improved. The remaining running
-time is estimated.
-Temporary files generated by zebraidx are removed after each run.
-Bug fix: Dictionary didn't handle 8-bit characters correctly; was obvious
-when doing scan operations in dictionaries with European characters.
---- 1.0a4 1996/01/11
-A whole slew of updates, to make the first publicized release. Get the doc
-and check it out.
---- 1.0a3 1995/12/06
-Memory-problems in ISAM fixed. More blocktypes added to the default setup
-to increase performance on larger databases.
-Various minor changes in data management system.
---- 1.0a2 1995/12/05
-A couple of portability-problems resolved.
-Changed some malloc() to xmalloc().
---- 1.0a1 1995/11/28
-First release.
-## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.12 2003-02-28 12:33:38 oleg Exp $
+## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.13 2004-05-10 08:43:19 adam Exp $
cp $(srcdir)/LICENSE* $(distdir)
--- /dev/null
+--- 1.3.16 2004/03/29
+For text filter, return only header if elementSetName=H . elementSetName=R
+returns contents only. Other elementSetName returns both header+content.
+Added test for charmap and rusmarc.
+Added feature charmaps (.chr) so that characters may be specified in
+\LXXXX HEX notation.
+Fixed problem with encoding directive for charmap(.chr) files.
+Allow Remote insert/delete/replace/update with record, recordIdNumber
+(sysno) and/or recordIdOpaque(user supplied record Id). If both
+IDs are omitted internal record ID match is assumed (recordId: - in
+zebra cfg).
+--- 1.3.15 2004/01/15
+Fix bug. X-Path attribute expressions with spaces in them now works.
+Fix base address for MARC output.
+--- 1.3.14 2003/11/29
+Fix bug with shadow and result set handling.
+Implement MARCXML to ISO2709 conversion.
+--- 1.3.13 2003/09/26
+Add missing examples for Windows install.
+Fix bug in regx filter to make it "greedy" again. This bug appeared
+in version 1.3.12.
+Fix a few tests.
+--- 1.3.12 2003/09/08
+Fix XML error handling. Stop XML parse immediately if XML parse error
+occur (i.e. produce one error only).
+Zebra ignores "unsupported use attribute" for individual databases
+when search multiple databases (unless all databases fail).
+New filter grs.marcxml which works like grs.marc but produces MARCXML.
+Added support for database deletion. It is possible to create/drop
+a database from zebraidx utility. Note: only for isam:b.
+Write zebrasrv.pid to lockdir.
+Bug fix: result sets were not recovered correctly. Had to
+add ODR handle for zebra_search_RPN in order to make it work.
+Fixed a bug in regx filters that didn't do anchors (^) correctly.
+Fixed a bug in searches with X-Path searches sometimes giving "extra"
+Zebra server checks for zebrasrv.pid and refuses to start if it is already
+locked by another (running) zebrasrv.
+Fixed a bug with text being chunked in pieces for the grs.xml filter.
+--- 1.3.11 2003/04/25
+xelm code updates. xelm works regardless state of 'xpath enable/disable'
+Avoid -L/usr/lib since that is already default library path.
+Allow multiple updates within one transaction.
+Fixed a bug with >2GB files (overflow in integer expression).
+--- 1.3.10 2003/04/01
+Fix linker error for Perl module.
+Fix bug in and operation which in some cases could result in "extra"
+hits. Bug was introduced in 1.3.5.
+Fix bug in handling of schema conversion when producing numeric tags.
+--- 1.3.9 2003/03/27
+Zvrank updates.
+Add missing files doc/zvrank.txt and doc/marc_indexing.xml.
+--- 1.3.8 2003/03/26
+Zvrank: an experimental ranking algorithm. See doc/zvrank.txt and
+source in index/zvrank.c. Enable this by using rank: zvrank in zebra.cfg.
+Contributed by Johannes Leveling <Johannes.Leveling at fernuni-hagen.de>
+livrank: another experimental ranking algorithm. Source in livcode.c.
+Enable this by using rank: livrank in zebra.cfg and use -DLIV_CODE=1
+for CFLAGS.
+Contributed by Pete Mallinson, University of Liverpool.
+Advanced MARC indexing. See doc/marc_indexing.xml
+ Oleg Kolobov <oleg at lib.tpu.ru>
+Perl API updates and fixes.
+ Peter Popovics <pop at technomat.hu>
+Fixed 'zebraidx delete'.
+Implemented 'zebraidx clean'.
+64-bit offsets for register files on WIN32 (no 2 GB limit).
+Fixed a few memory leaks WRT sorting.
+--- 1.3.7 2003/02/27
+Fixed error handling : error code was not properly returned.
+Support Truncation 104 (CCL).
+--- 1.3.6 2003/02/25
+Added missing source files for perl extension.
+--- 1.3.5 2003/02/23
+Implemented xelm directive.
+Updated for newer version of YAZ (introduction of string schema).
+Directory examples/zthes now part of distribution (was missing
+in previous release).
+New .abs directive, systag, that control where to put retrieval
+information. The directive takes two arguments: system tag, element name.
+System tag is one of : rank, sysno, size.
+--- 1.3.4 2002/11/26
+Perl Filter and Perl API. By Peter Popovics.
+For zebra.cfg, if no profilePath is specified, directory
+ (prefix)/share/idzebra/tab
+is used.
+Zebra Examples in examples . Zebra tests in test.
+Bug fix: sort index was not properly modified on
+record updates/deletes.
+Fix handling of character entities for sgml filter.
+Move data1 to Zebra (used to be part of YAZ).
+--- 1.3.3 2002/10/05
+Fix character encoding of scan response terms.
+Fix character decoding of scan request terms.
+Fix ESpec handling (requires YAZ 1.9.1)
+Fix searches for complete fields.
+--- 1.3.2 2002/09/09
+When name zebra is used in a filename or directory 'idzebra' is used
+instead to avoid confusion with GNU zebra (routing software).
+Zebra server stops with a fatal error if config file cannot be read.
+New config setting, followLinks, that controls whether update of files
+should follow symbolic. Set it to 1 (for enable) or 0 (to disable).
+By default symbolic links are followed.
+Fix MARC transfer . MARC fields had wrong data for multiple fields.
+XML record reader moved from YAZ to Zebra, to make YAZ less
+dependant on external libraries.
+Zebra uses yaz_iconv which is mini iconv library supporting UTF-8,
+UCS4, ISO-8859-1. This means that Zebra does UNICODE even
+on systems that doesn't offer iconv.
+XML record reader supports external system entities.
+--- 1.3.1 2002/08/20
+New .abs-directive "xpath" that takes one argument: "enable"
+or "disable" to enable and disable XPath -indexing. If no "xpath"
+direcive is found in .abs-file , XPath-indexing is disabled to ensure
+backwards compatibility. For missing .abs-files XPath-indexing is
+enabled so that such records are searchable.
+Zebra warns about missing .abs-file only once (for each type).
+Fixed a bug in file update where already-inserted files could
+be treated as "new".
+--- 1.3.0 2002/08/05
+Zebra license changed to GNU GPL.
+XPath-like queries used when RPN string attributes are used, eg.
+ @attr 1=/portal/title sometitle
+ @attr 1=/portal/title[@xml:lang=da] danishtitle
+ @attr 1=/portal/title/@xml:lang da
+ @attr 1=//title sometitle
+Zebra uses UTF-8 internally:
+1) New setting "encoding" for zebra.cfg that specifies encoding for
+OCTET terms in queries and record encoding for most transfer syntaxes
+(except those that use International Strings, such as GRS-1).
+2) The encoding of International strings is UTF-8 by default. It
+may be changed by character set negotiation. If character set
+negotiation is in effect and if records are selected for conversion
+these'll be converted to the selected character set - thus overriding
+the encoding setting in zebra.cfg.
+3) New directive "encoding" in .abs-files. This specifies the external
+character encoding for files indexed by zebra. However, if records
+themselves have an XML header that specifies and encoding that'll be used
+XML filter (-t grs.xml).
+Multiple registers. New setting in resource 'root' that holds base
+directory for register(s). A group a databases may be put in separate
+register in directory root/reg by using db name 'reg/db1' ... 'reg/dbN'.
+--- 1.1.1 2002/03/21
+Fixes for Digital Unix
+Implemented hits per term using USR:SearchResult-1.
+New Zebra API. Locking system re-implemented.
+--- 1.1.stable 2002/02/20
+Rank weight can be controlled with attribute type 9. Default
+value is 34. Recommended values between 1-36.
+--- 1.1 2001/10/25
+Updated for YAZ version 1.8.
+Added support for termsets - a result set of terms matching
+a given query. For @attr 8=<set> creates termset named <set>.
+Added support for raw retrieval. Element Set Name R forces the
+text filter which returns the record in its original form.
+Added numerical sort - triggered by structure=numeric (4=109).
+Remote record import using Z39.50 Extended Services and Segments.
+Fixed bug where updating a database with user-defined attributes
+could corrupt the register (bad storeKeys).
+Multi-threaded version.
+Fixed bug regarding proximity.
+Documentation updates.
+Fixed bug in record retrieval module that occured on 64-bit OSF
+--- 1.0.1 2000/2/10
+Fixed bug in makefile for WIN32.
+Fixed bug in configure script - used bash-specific features.
+--- 1.0 1999/12/10
+Added support for multiple records in one file for filter grs.sgml.
+Changed record index structure. New layout is incompatible with
+previous releases. Added setting "recordcompression" to control
+compression of records. Possible values are "none" (no
+compression) and bzip2 (compression using libbz2).
+Added XML transfer syntax support for retrieval of structured records.
+Schema in CompSpec is recognised in retrieval of structured records.
+Changed Tcl record filter so that it attemps to read <filt>.tflt. If
+that fails, the filter reads the file <filt>.flt (regx style filter).
+Implemented new Tcl record filter - use grs.tcl.<filter> to enable it.
+Zebra's configure script automatically attempts to locate Tcl. For
+manual Tcl configuration use option --with-tclconfig=<path> to specify
+where Tcl's library files are located.
+Implemented "compression" of Dictionary and ISAM system. Dictionary
+format HAS changed.
+Added "tagsysno" directive to zebra.cfg to control under which tag the
+system ID is placed. Use tagsysno: 0 to disable Zebra's system number
+Added "tagrank" as above.
+Changed file naming scheme for register files from <name>.mf.<no> to
+Implemented "position"-flag for register type (as defined in
+default.idx). When set to zero no position (or seqence number) is
+saved in register for each word occurrence, thus saving some register
+Implemented database mapping. Using mapdb one can specify a database
+to be mapped to one or more physical databases. Usage:
+mapdb <fromdb> <todb> ..
+Added SOIF-filter. Thanks to Peter Valkenburg.
+For the regx-filter "end element -record" may trigger a mark-of-record
+if outer level is reached.
+Tag sets may be typed in the reference to it. From the .abs-file the
+"tagset" directive takes a third optional integer type for the tag set
+referenced. From a .tag-file the "include" directive takes a third
+optional type as well. The old "type" directive in the tag set itself
+is still recognized but acts as the default type for the tag set.
+Zebra supports the specification of arbitrary attributes sets, schemas
+and tag sets, because of the change in YAZ' OID management system.
+Fixed bug in Sort that caused it NOT to use character mapping as it
+Zebra now uses GNU configure to generate Makefile(s).
+Added un-optimised support for left and left/right truncation attributes.
+Added support for relational operators on text when using RPN queries.
+Added support for sort specifications in RPN queries. Type 7 specifies
+'sort' where value 1=ascending, value 2=descending. The use attribute
+specifies the field criteria as usual. The term specifies priority
+where 0=first, 1=second, ...
+Changed the way use attributes are specified in the recordId
+Maximum number of databases in one Zebra register increased.
+New setting, databasePath, which specifies that first directory during
+update traversal is the database name (instead of a fixed one).
+New setting, explainDatabase, which specifies that databases are
+EXPLAIN aware.
+Modified Zebra so that it works with ASN.1 compiled code for YAZ.
+Implemented EXPLAIN database maintenance. Zebra automatically
+generate - and update CategoryList, TargetInfo, DatabaseInfo,
+AttributeSetInfo and AttributeDetails records at this stage. The
+records may be transferred as GRS-1, SUTRS or Explain.
+Fixed register spec so that colon isn't treated as size separator
+unless followed by [0-9+-] in order to allow DOS drive specifications.
+Fixed two bugs in ISAMC system.
+Changed the way Zebra keeps its maintenance information about attribute
+sets, available attributes, etc.. Records in "SGML" notation using an
+EXPLAIN schema is now used when appropriate.
+Bug fix: Index didn't handle update/insert/delete of the same record
+(i.e. same recordId) in one run (one invocation of zebraidx). Only the
+first occurence of a record is considered.
+Most searches now return correct number of hits.
+New modular ranking system. Interested programmers are encouraged to
+inspect rank1.c and improve the algorithm.
+Bug fix: Lock files weren't removed as they should on NT.
+Implemented Z39.50 Sort. Zebra's sort handler uses use attributes to
+specify a "sort register". Refer to the gils sample records which refer
+to index type "s" which is specified as "sort" in the default.idx file.
+Each sort criteria can either be Ascending or Descending and at most
+three sort elements can be specified.
+Bug fix: Character mapping didn't work for text files.
+--- 1.0b1 1998/1/29
+Simple ranked searches now return correct number of hits.
+The test option (-s) only makes a read-lock on the index as well
+as using read-only operations anywhere.
+Moved towards generic character mapping. Configuration file default.idx
+specifies character map files for register types w, p, u, etc.
+Implemented "begin variant" for the sgml.regx - filter.
+Fixed a few memory leaks.
+Added support for C++, headers uses extern "C" for public definitions.
+Bug fix: The show records facility (-s) only displayed information for
+the first record in a file (and not for every record in the file).
+Added option "-f <n>" to limit the logging of record operations. After
+<n> records has been processed no logging is performed (unless errors
+Bug fix: the compressed ISAM system didn't handle update operations
+Added setting, "maxResultSetSize", to hold the number of records to
+save in a result set.
+Bug fix: Complete phrase did't work for search operations.
+Bug fix: temporary result sets weren't deleted.
+Reduced disk space for saved keys (storeKeys = 1).
+Added optional, physical ANY (key replication)
+Implemented proximity operator in search.
+Bug fix: the path name buffers used by file match traversal routines
+have been extended to support long file names.
+New C(ompressed) ISAM system. To enable it, specify "isam: c" in the
+configuration file. The resulting register without "storeKeys" is about
+half the size, and the memory used by zebraidx during phase 2 (merge) is
+reduced to a minimum.
+Reworked the way Regexp-2 queries with error tolerance are handled and
+specified. The documentation has been updated accordingly.
+Bug fix: Zebrasrv didn't search correctly when queries contained masking
+characters. This bug was introduced in 1.0a8.
+Zebrasrv now tag records with the proper database name.
+New settings, memMax and keyTmpDir.
+Changed name of setting lockDir (previously called lockPath) and
+setTmpDir (previously called tempSetPath).
+Generalized and changed record type specifications. In short, there are:
+ text plain SUTRS
+ grs.sgml structured, "SGML-like" syntax
+ grs.regx.<filter> structured, Regular expression filter
+ grs.marc.<abs> Reads *MARC records in the ISO2709 format. <abs>
+ is the name of an abstract syntax file.
+Bug fix: Result sets weren't sorted in operations involving boolean
+operations with "ranked" operands.
+--- 1.0a8 1996/6/6
+Added national character-handling subsystem.
+Various fixes.
+Small modifications to input filters and profiles.
+Added support for SOIF syntax (with private OID).
+--- 1.0a7 1996/5/16
+Fixed buffer-size problem in indexing.
+Added compression to temporary files for updating.
+Added phrase registers.
+Added dynamic mapping of search attribute to multiple termlists (ANY).
+Scan support in multiple databases/registers.
+Configuration settings are case-insensitive and single dash (-)
+characters are ignored in comparisons.
+The index processing ignores empty files - warning given.
+New option to zebraidx (-V) displays version information.
+--- 1.0a6 1996/2/24
+Fixed problem in file-update system.
+Fixed problem in shadow system; register was sometimes corrupted after
+a commit operation.
+--- 1.0a5 1996/2/10
+Fixed problems in the ISAM subsystem. Caused difficulties when updating
+existing registers.
+Fixed small problem in SUTRS-filter. A newline was sometimes inserted before
+the rank and record number.
+Fixed bug in the isam subsystem - caused a malfunction when accessing
+words which occurred more than 10000 times.
+Distribution should now include YAZ (Z39.50 protocol stack) to simplify
+Server can now run under inetd. Use option -i, and -w <directory> to
+set working directory to desired location.
+New zebraidx command: clean - removes temporary shadow files.
+Fixed bug in ISAM system. Occurred rarely during register updates.
+Logging during index merge phase is improved. The remaining running
+time is estimated.
+Temporary files generated by zebraidx are removed after each run.
+Bug fix: Dictionary didn't handle 8-bit characters correctly; was obvious
+when doing scan operations in dictionaries with European characters.
+--- 1.0a4 1996/01/11
+A whole slew of updates, to make the first publicized release. Get the doc
+and check it out.
+--- 1.0a3 1995/12/06
+Memory-problems in ISAM fixed. More blocktypes added to the default setup
+to increase performance on larger databases.
+Various minor changes in data management system.
+--- 1.0a2 1995/12/05
+A couple of portability-problems resolved.
+Changed some malloc() to xmalloc().
+--- 1.0a1 1995/11/28
+First release.
dh_movefiles -p idzebra usr/share/idzebra usr/bin
- cp CHANGELOG changelog
+ cp NEWS changelog
dh_installdocs --all README TODO changelog debian/copyright
%config /usr/share/idzebra/tab