PHANTOMJS= ./node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs
IMAGES= ./images
SCREENSHOT_WIDTH= 360 480 640 768 1024 1200 1440 2048
TMP_DIR= ./logs
APACHE_HTTPD= /usr/sbin/apache2
$(MIKE) jasmine-node --noColor --captureExceptions --forceexit spec
phantomjs p: apache-stop apache-start
- ./ --timeout="${PHANTOMJS_TIMEOUT}.5" ${PHANTOMJS} phantom/run-jasmine.js ${PHANTOMJS_URL} ${PHANTOMJS_TIMEOUT}
+ ./bin/ --timeout="${PHANTOMJS_TIMEOUT}.5" ${PHANTOMJS} phantom/run-jasmine.js ${PHANTOMJS_URL} ${PHANTOMJS_TIMEOUT}
${MAKE} apache-stop
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 IndexData ApS.
+# - wrapper to stop a process after N seconds
+use Getopt::Long;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $debug = 0;
+my $help;
+my $timeout = 100;
+binmode \*STDOUT, ":utf8";
+binmode \*STDERR, ":utf8";
+# timeout handler
+sub set_alarm {
+ my $time = shift;
+ my $message = shift || "";
+ $time = 100 if !defined $time;
+ $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
+ warn "Time out alarm $time\n";
+ # sends a hang-up signal to all processes in the current process group
+ # and kill running java processes
+ local $SIG{HUP} = "IGNORE";
+ kill 1, -$$;
+ local $SIG{TERM} = "IGNORE";
+ kill 15, -$$;
+ kill 15, -$$;
+ warn "Send a hang-up to all childs.\n";
+ #exit 1;
+ };
+ warn "set alarm time to: $time seconds $message\n" if $debug >= 1;
+ alarm($time);
+sub usage () {
+ <<EOF;
+usage: $0 [ options ] command args ....
+--debug=0..3 debug option, default: $debug
+--timeout=1..N timeout in seconds, default: $timeout
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "debug=i" => \$debug,
+ "timeout=i" => \$timeout,
+) or die usage;
+my @system = @ARGV;
+die usage if $help;
+die usage if !@system;
+set_alarm( $timeout, join( " ", @system ) );
+system(@system) == 0
+ or die "system @system failed: $?";
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (c) 2014 IndexData ApS.
-# - wrapper to stop a process after N seconds
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $debug = 0;
-my $help;
-my $timeout = 100;
-binmode \*STDOUT, ":utf8";
-binmode \*STDERR, ":utf8";
-# timeout handler
-sub set_alarm {
- my $time = shift;
- my $message = shift || "";
- $time = 100 if !defined $time;
- $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
- warn "Time out alarm $time\n";
- # sends a hang-up signal to all processes in the current process group
- # and kill running java processes
- local $SIG{HUP} = "IGNORE";
- kill 1, -$$;
- local $SIG{TERM} = "IGNORE";
- kill 15, -$$;
- kill 15, -$$;
- warn "Send a hang-up to all childs.\n";
- #exit 1;
- };
- warn "set alarm time to: $time seconds $message\n" if $debug >= 1;
- alarm($time);
-sub usage () {
- <<EOF;
-usage: $0 [ options ] command args ....
---debug=0..3 debug option, default: $debug
---timeout=1..N timeout in seconds, default: $timeout
- "help" => \$help,
- "debug=i" => \$debug,
- "timeout=i" => \$timeout,
-) or die usage;
-my @system = @ARGV;
-die usage if $help;
-die usage if !@system;
-set_alarm( $timeout, join( " ", @system ) );
-system(@system) == 0
- or die "system @system failed: $?";