<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html [
-<!-- Entity definitions for commonly used idioms -->
-<!-- TODO - Now it accepts these, but will not expand them in place! -->
-<!-- Seems we can not use many special characters in these: <> % etc -->
- <!ENTITY workfull "FOOBAR" >
- <!ENTITY workfullX "
- ?wobj ?wrel1 ?wobj1
- MINUS { ?wobj a bf:Work }
- MINUS { ?wobj a bf:Instance }
- }
- ?wobj1 ?wrel2 ?wobj2
- MINUS { ?wobj1 a bf:Work }
- MINUS { ?wobj1 a bf:Instance }
- }
- ?wobj2 ?wrel3 ?wobj3
- MINUS { ?wobj2 a bf:Work }
- MINUS { ?wobj2 a bf:Instance }
- }
- ">
- <!ENTITY instfull "
- ?inst ?irel1 ?iobj1
- }
- ?iobj1 ?irel2 ?iobj2
- }
- ?iobj2 ?irel3 ?iobj3
- }
- ">
<filters xmlns="http://indexdata.com/metaproxy">
<filter type="sparql">
<!--defaults uri="http://bibframe.indexdata.com/sparql/"/-->
<defaults uri="http://localhost:8890/sparql/"/>
- <!-- work database -->
- <db path="work" schema="sparql-results">
+ <!-- "thing" database that will be included all real databases -->
+ <db path="thing"> <!-- no schema, so it is not directly searchable -->
<prefix>rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns</prefix>
<prefix>bf: http://bibframe.org/vocab/</prefix>
+ <form>SELECT DISTINCT ?thing </form>
+ <!-- Common indexes -->
+ <!-- bf.uri is a simple way to get to a thing -->
+ <index type="bf.uri">
+ ?thing rdf:type ?any FILTER( ?thing = %u ) </index>
+ <!-- The BF-L present format is the same for everything -->
+ <!-- Each db is supposed to provide a dedicated BF-F present format -->
+ <present type="BF-L">
+ ?thing ?rel ?subj
+ }
+ ?thing ?rel ?subj .
+ ?thing ?rel ?subj FILTER( str(?thing) = %s )
+ }
+ </present>
+ </db>
+ <!-- "smallindex" db that will be included in work and instance -->
+ <!-- It provides the small indexes like bf.person, bf.place, etc -->
+ <db path="smallindex">
+ <!-- Indexes for persons, organizations, etc -->
+ <!-- The person (etc) may be in any relation to the thing, -->
+ <!-- subject, creator, etc, as long as there is a direct link -->
+ <index type="bf.person">
+ ?thing ?rel ?person .
+ ?person a bf:Person .
+ ?person bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <!-- TODO - make many more like the person above -->
+ </db>
+ <!-- work database -->
- <!-- The search clause just finds ?works, present is done below -->
- <form>SELECT DISTINCT ?work </form>
- <criteria>?work a bf:Work</criteria>
+ <db path="work" schema="sparql-results" include="thing smallindex">
- <!-- bf.uri is a simple way to get to a work -->
- <index type="bf.uri"> ?work a bf:Work FILTER( ?work = %u ) </index>
+ <!-- The search clause just finds ?things, present is done below -->
+ <criteria>?thing a bf:Work</criteria>
<!-- Title indexes -->
<!-- These are messy, there are so many ways to get to a title -->
<!-- Main title. Looks logical, but in practice we have not seen -->
<!-- many of these -->
<index type="bf.title">
- ?work bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- worktitle.titleValue seems to be the most common way to -->
<!-- store the title of a work -->
<index type="bf.worktitle">
- ?work bf:workTitle ?wt .
+ ?thing bf:workTitle ?wt .
?wt bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- TODO is "maintitle" a good name for this? I made it up myself -->
<index type="bf.maintitle">
- ?work bf:workTitle ?wt .
+ ?thing bf:workTitle ?wt .
?wt bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?work bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- the worktitle can also contain a subtitle and a parttitle -->
- <index type="bf.subtitle">?work bf:workTitle ?wt .
+ <index type="bf.subtitle">?thing bf:workTitle ?wt .
?wt bf:subtitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.parttitle">
- ?work bf:workTitle ?wt .
+ ?thing bf:workTitle ?wt .
?wt bf:partTitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- work.titlevariation - this could also have sub- and partTitles -->
<index type="bf.titlevariation">
- ?work bf:titleVariation ?tv .
+ ?thing bf:titleVariation ?tv .
?tv bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- Instance titles -->
<index type="bf.instancetitle">
- ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?inst bf:instanceOf ?thing .
?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- TODO - See the anytitle in instance for a more flexible way -->
<index type="bf.anytitle">
- ?work bf:workTitle ?wt .
+ ?thing bf:workTitle ?wt .
{ ?wt bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s)) } UNION
{ ?wt bf:subtitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s)) } UNION
{ ?wt bf:partTitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s)) }
- ?work bf:titleVariation ?tv .
+ ?thing bf:titleVariation ?tv .
?tv bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?inst bf:instanceOf ?thing .
?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?work bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- Author indexes. Much simpler than titles. -->
<index type="bf.creator">
- ?work bf:creator ?c .
+ ?thing bf:creator ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.contributor">
- ?work bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?thing bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.anyauthor"> <!-- TODO - Is this a good name? -->
- ?work bf:creator ?c .
+ ?thing bf:creator ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?work bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?thing bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- Note that these refer to anything with a bf:subject relation -->
<!-- The actual item is likely to be something like topic person etc -->
<index type="bf.subject">
- ?work bf:subject ?subject .
+ ?thing bf:subject ?subject .
?subject bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- <!-- Indexes for persons, organizations, etc -->
- <!-- The person (etc) may be in any relation to the work, -->
- <!-- subject, creator, etc, as long as there is a direct link -->
- <index type="bf.person">
- ?work ?rel ?person .
- ?person a bf:Person .
- ?person bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- </index>
- <!-- TODO - make many more like the person above -->
<!-- Present formats -->
- <!-- BF-L is just the links -->
- <present type="BF-L">
- ?work ?rel ?subj
- }
- ?work a bf:Work .
- ?work ?rel ?subj .
- ?work ?rel ?subj FILTER( str(?work) = %s )
- }
- </present>
+ <!-- BF-L comes from the "thing" template -->
<!-- BF-F expands all links, except to instances and other works -->
<present type="BF-F">
- ?work ?rel ?obj .
+ ?thing ?rel ?obj .
?obj ?rel1 ?obj1 .
?obj1 ?rel2 ?obj2 .
?obj2 ?rel3 ?obj3
- &workfull; <!-- This does not seem to get expanded!! TODO -->
- ?work a bf:Work .
- ?work ?rel ?obj .
+ ?thing a bf:Work .
+ ?thing ?rel ?obj .
?obj ?rel1 ?obj1
MINUS { ?obj a bf:Work }
MINUS { ?obj2 a bf:Work }
MINUS { ?obj2 a bf:Instance }
- ?work ?rel ?obj FILTER( str(?work) = %s )
+ ?thing ?rel ?obj FILTER( str(?thing) = %s )
<!-- TODO Use the %u -->
<!-- TODO Use the BF-FI as the BF-F -->
<!-- Instance database -->
- <db path="instance" schema="sparql-results">
- <prefix>rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns</prefix>
- <prefix>bf: http://bibframe.org/vocab/</prefix>
- <!-- The search clause just finds ?insts, present is done below -->
- <form>SELECT DISTINCT ?inst </form>
- <criteria>?inst a bf:Instance</criteria>
- <!-- bf.uri is a simple way to get to a work -->
- <index type="bf.uri">
- ?inst a bf:Instance FILTER( ?inst = %u )
- </index>
+ <db path="instance" schema="sparql-results" include="thing">
+ <criteria>?thing a bf:Instance</criteria>
<!-- Title indexes -->
<!-- These are messy, there are so many ways to get to a title -->
<!-- Main title. Looks logical. Many instances seem to have a title -->
<index type="bf.title">
- ?inst bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- instancetitle is also pretty common -->
<index type="bf.instancetitle">
- ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?thing bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.titlestatement">
- ?inst bf:titleStatement %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:titleStatement %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- Combining the two above, since users are not likely to know how
a given title has been indexed -->
<index type="bf.maintitle">
- ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?thing bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- the instancetitle can also contain a subtitle and a parttitle -->
<index type="bf.subtitle">
- ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?thing bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:subtitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.parttitle">
- ?inst bf:instanceTitle ?it .
+ ?thing bf:instanceTitle ?it .
?it bf:partTitle %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- We could also go to the works, and get those titles... -->
<!-- Combining any kind of title into one index -->
<index type="bf.anytitle">
- ?inst bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:title %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst bf:titleStatement %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ ?thing bf:titleStatement %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst ?titlerel ?it . <!-- any kind of link -->
+ ?thing ?titlerel ?it . <!-- any kind of link -->
?it a bf:Title <!-- to something that is a title -->
?it bf:titleValue %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<!-- Author indexes. Many instances don't have any, works do -->
<index type="bf.creator">
- ?inst bf:creator ?c .
+ ?thing bf:creator ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.workcreator">
- ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?thing bf:instanceOf ?work .
?work bf:creator ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.workcontributor">
- ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?thing bf:instanceOf ?work .
?work bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.contributor">
- ?inst bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?thing bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
<index type="bf.anyauthor">
- ?inst bf:creator ?c .
+ ?thing bf:creator ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst bf:contributor ?c .
+ ?thing bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?thing bf:instanceOf ?work .
?work bf:creator ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- ?inst bf:instanceOf ?work .
+ ?thing bf:instanceOf ?work .
?work bf:contributor ?c .
?c bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- <!-- BF-L is just the links -->
- <present type="BF-L">
- ?inst ?rel ?subj
- }
- ?inst a bf:Instance .
- ?inst ?rel ?subj .
- ?inst ?rel ?subj FILTER( str(?inst) = %s )
- }
- </present>
+ <!-- Presetn formats. BF-L comes from "thing" -->
<!-- Full instance, with the related work too -->
<present type="BF-F">
<!-- "small" contains all the things common to all small databases -->
<!-- It is only to be used as an include, it is not searchable, since -->
<!-- it has no schema atribute -->
- <!-- It is divided into "smallindex", "smallbody", and a "small" that includes
- both, so that title searches can include the body, but have different indexes -->
- <db path="smallindex">
- <index type="any">
- ?thing bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- </index>
- <index type="1016">
- ?thing bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
- </index>
- </db>
+ <!-- It is divided into "smallbody", and a "small" that includes -->
+ <!-- the general indexes, so that title searches can include the body, -->
+ <!-- but have different "any" indexes -->
- <db path="smallbody">
- <prefix>rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns</prefix>
- <prefix>bf: http://bibframe.org/vocab/</prefix>
- <form>SELECT DISTINCT ?thing </form>
- <criteria>?thing ?rel ?obj</criteria>
- <present type="BF-L">
- %u ?rel ?obj
- }
- %u ?rel ?obj .
- }
- </present>
+ <db path="smallbody" include="thing">
<present type="BF-F">
<!-- I don't think we need more than one level -->
<!--for these simple databases -->
<!-- The combined "small" database defaults -->
- <db path="small" include="smallindex smallbody"/>
+ <db path="small" include="smallbody">
+ <index type="any">
+ ?thing bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ <index type="1016">
+ ?thing bf:label %v FILTER(contains(%v, %s))
+ </index>
+ </db>
<!-- Various "small" databases, leaning heavily on the defaults above -->
<db path="place" schema="sparql-results" include="small" >