// they turn out to be bad..
while (1)
- std::string target;
std::list<std::string>::iterator ivh = vhosts.begin();
+ std::list<std::string>::iterator ivh_pick = vhosts.end();
Package init_pkg(package.session(), package.origin());
boost::mutex::scoped_lock scoped_lock(m_mutex);
- for (; ivh != vhosts.end(); )
+ for (; ivh != vhosts.end(); ivh++)
if ((*ivh).size() != 0)
(*ivh).c_str(), cost, vhcost);
if (cost > vhcost)
+ ivh_pick = ivh;
cost = vhcost;
- target = *ivh;
- ivh = vhosts.erase(ivh);
- else
- ivh++;
- else
- ivh++;
- if (target.length() == 0)
+ if (ivh_pick == vhosts.end())
+ std::string target = *ivh_pick;
+ vhosts.erase(ivh_pick);
// copying new target into init package
yazpp_1::GDU init_gdu(base_req);
Z_InitRequest *init_req = init_gdu.get()->u.z3950->u.initRequest;