--- /dev/null
+ <chapter id="alvis-xml-record-model">
+ <!-- $Id: alvisxmlrecordmodel.xml,v 1.1 2006-01-19 09:27:00 marc Exp $ -->
+ <title>ALVIS XML Record Model and Filter Module</title>
+ <para>
+ The record model described in this chapter applies to the fundamental,
+ structured XML
+ record type <literal>alvis</literal>, introduced in
+ <xref linkend="componentmodulesalvis"/>. The ALVIS XML record model
+ is experimental, and it's inner workings might change in future
+ releases of the Zebra Information Server.
+ </para>
+ <sect1 id="alvis-record-filter">
+ <title>ALLVIS Record Filter</title>
+ <para>
+ The experimental, loadable Alvis XM/XSLT filter module
+ <literal>mod-alvis.so</literal> is packaged in the GNU/Debian package
+ <literal>libidzebra1.4-mod-alvis</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <sect2 id="alvis-internal-representation">
+ <title>ALLVIS Internal Record Representation</title>
+ <para>FIXME</para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="alvis-canonical-format">
+ <title>ALLVIS Canonical Format</title>
+ <para>FIXME</para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="alvis-record-model-config">
+ <title>ALLVIS Record Model Configuration</title>
+ <para>FIXME</para>
+ <sect2 id="alvis-exchange-formats">
+ <title>ALLVIS Exchange Formats</title>
+ <para>FIXME</para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ </chapter>
+c) Main "alvis" XSLT filter config file:
+ cat db/filter_alvis_conf.xml
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
+ <schemaInfo>
+ <schema name="alvis" stylesheet="db/alvis2alvis.xsl" />
+ <schema name="index" identifier="http://indexdata.dk/zebra/xslt/1"
+ stylesheet="db/alvis2index.xsl" />
+ <schema name="dc" stylesheet="db/alvis2dc.xsl" />
+ <schema name="dc-short" stylesheet="db/alvis2dc_short.xsl" />
+ <schema name="snippet" snippet="25" stylesheet="db/alvis2snippet.xsl" />
+ <schema name="help" stylesheet="db/alvis2help.xsl" />
+ <split level="1"/>
+ </schemaInfo>
+ the pathes are relative to the directory where zebra.init is placed
+ and is started up.
+ The split level decides where the SAX parser shall split the
+ collections of records into individual records, which then are
+ loaded into DOM, and have the indexing XSLT stylesheet applied.
+ The indexing stylesheet is found by it's identifier.
+ All the other stylesheets are for presentation after search.
+- in data/ a short sample of harvested carnivorous plants
+ ZEBRA_INDEX_DIRS=data/carnivor_20050118_2200_short-346.xml
+- in root also one single data record - nice for testing the xslt
+ stylesheets,
+ xsltproc db/alvis2index.xsl carni*.xml
+ and so on.
+- in db/ a cql2pqf.txt yaz-client config file
+ which is also used in the yaz-server <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF process
+ see: http://www.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/tools.tkl#tools.cql.map
+- in db/ an indexing XSLT stylesheet. This is a PULL-type XSLT thing,
+ as it constructs the new XML structure by pulling data out of the
+ respective elements/attributes of the old structure.
+ Notice the special zebra namespace, and the special elements in this
+ namespace which indicate to the zebra indexer what to do.
+ <z:record id="67ht7" rank="675" type="update">
+ indicates that a new record with given id and static rank has to be updated.
+ <z:index name="title" type="w">
+ encloses all the text/XML which shall be indexed in the index named
+ "title" and of index type "w" (see file default.idx in your zebra
+ installation)
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+ Local variables:
+ mode: sgml
+ sgml-omittag:t
+ sgml-shorttag:t
+ sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
+ sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
+ sgml-indent-step:1
+ sgml-indent-data:t
+ sgml-parent-document: "zebra.xml"
+ sgml-local-catalogs: nil
+ sgml-namecase-general:t
+ End:
+ -->
<chapter id="architecture">
- <!-- $Id: architecture.xml,v 1.1 2006-01-18 14:00:54 marc Exp $ -->
+ <!-- $Id: architecture.xml,v 1.2 2006-01-19 09:27:00 marc Exp $ -->
<title>Overview of Zebra Architecture</title>
This virtual package installs all the necessary packages to start
- working with IDZebra - including utility programs, development libraries,
+ working with Zebra - including utility programs, development libraries,
documentation and modules.
numbers, and the like internal data to the YAZ server backend API.
- This package contains all run-time libraries for IDZebra.
+ This package contains all run-time libraries for Zebra.
- This package includes documentation for IDZebra in PDF and HTML.
+ This package includes documentation for Zebra in PDF and HTML.
- This package includes common essential IDZebra configuration files
+ This package includes common essential Zebra configuration files
- creates, updates and drops databases and indexes
- This package contains IDZebra utilities such as the zebraidx indexer
+ This package contains Zebra utilities such as the zebraidx indexer
utility and the zebrasrv server.
the core Zebra searcher/retriever which
- This package contains IDZebra utilities such as the zebraidx indexer
+ This package contains Zebra utilities such as the zebraidx indexer
utility and the zebrasrv server, and their associated man pages.
In addition to Z39.50 requests, the YAZ server frontend acts
as HTTP server, honouring
- SRW SOAP requests, and SRU REST requests. Moreover, it can
- translate inco ming CQL queries to PQF/RPN queries, if
+ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/srw/">SRW</ulink> SOAP requests, and <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/">SRU</ulink> REST requests. Moreover, it can
+ translate inco ming <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> queries to PQF/RPN queries, if
correctly configured.
YAZ is a toolkit that allows you to develop software using the
ANSI Z39.50/ISO23950 standard for information retrieval.
+ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/srw/">SRW</ulink>/ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/">SRU</ulink>
<sect3 id="componentmodulesgrs">
<title>GRS Record Model and Filter Modules</title>
- Chapter <xref linkend="record-model"/>
+ <xref linkend="grs-record-model"/>
- grs.danbib GRS filters of various kind (*.abs files)
IDZebra filter grs.danbib (DBC DanBib records)
<literal>libidzebra1.4-mod-grs-sgml not packaged yet ??</literal>
- grs.xml
- This package includes the grs.xml filter which uses Expat to
+ This package includes the grs.xml filter which uses <ulink url="http://expat.sourceforge.net/">Expat</ulink> to
parse records in XML and turn them into IDZebra's internal grs node.
+ <!--
<sect2 id="componentconfig">
<title>Configuration Files</title>
- yazserver XML based config file
- core Zebra ascii based config files
- filter module config files in many flavours
- - CQL to PQF ascii based config file
+ - <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> to PQF ascii based config file
+ -->
<sect1 id="cqltopqf">
- <title>Server Side CQL To PQF Conversion</title>
+ <title>Server Side <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> To PQF Conversion</title>
The cql2pqf.txt yaz-client config file, which is also used in the
- yaz-server CQL-to-PQF process, is used to to drive
- org.z3950.zing.cql.CQLNode's toPQF() back-end and the YAZ CQL-to-PQF
- converter. This specifies the interpretation of various CQL
+ yaz-server <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF process, is used to to drive
+ org.z3950.zing.cql.<ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>Node's toPQF() back-end and the YAZ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF
+ converter. This specifies the interpretation of various <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>
indexes, relations, etc. in terms of Type-1 query attributes.
This configuration file generates queries using BIB-1 attributes.
indexes to Attribute Architecture (util, XD and BIB-2)
- a) CQL set prefixes are specified using the correct CQL/SRW/U
+ a) <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> set prefixes are specified using the correct <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>/ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/srw/">SRW</ulink>/U
prefixes for the required index sets, or user-invented prefixes for
- special index sets. An index set in CQL is roughly speaking equivalent to a
+ special index sets. An index set in <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> is roughly speaking equivalent to a
namespace specifier in XML.
b) The default index set to be used if none explicitely mentioned
bib-1 RPN query "@attr 1=text" (where "text" is some existing index
in zebra, see indexing stylesheet)
- d) Relation mapping from CQL relations to bib-1 RPN "@attr 2= " stuff
+ d) Relation mapping from <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> relations to bib-1 RPN "@attr 2= " stuff
- e) Relation modifier mapping from CQL relations to bib-1 RPN "@attr
+ e) Relation modifier mapping from <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> relations to bib-1 RPN "@attr
2= " stuff
f) Position attributes
Setup of listening ports, and virtual zebra servers.
- Note path to server-side CQL-to-PQF config file, and to
- SRW explain config section.
+ Note path to server-side <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF config file, and to
+ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/srw/">SRW</ulink> explain config section.
The <directory> path is relative to the directory where zebra.init is placed
and is started up. The other pathes are relative to <directory>,
-c) Main "alvis" XSLT filter config file:
- cat db/filter_alvis_conf.xml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
- <schemaInfo>
- <schema name="alvis" stylesheet="db/alvis2alvis.xsl" />
- <schema name="index" identifier="http://indexdata.dk/zebra/xslt/1"
- stylesheet="db/alvis2index.xsl" />
- <schema name="dc" stylesheet="db/alvis2dc.xsl" />
- <schema name="dc-short" stylesheet="db/alvis2dc_short.xsl" />
- <schema name="snippet" snippet="25" stylesheet="db/alvis2snippet.xsl" />
- <schema name="help" stylesheet="db/alvis2help.xsl" />
- <split level="1"/>
- </schemaInfo>
- the pathes are relative to the directory where zebra.init is placed
- and is started up.
- The split level decides where the SAX parser shall split the
- collections of records into individual records, which then are
- loaded into DOM, and have the indexing XSLT stylesheet applied.
- The indexing stylesheet is found by it's identifier.
- All the other stylesheets are for presentation after search.
-- in data/ a short sample of harvested carnivorous plants
- ZEBRA_INDEX_DIRS=data/carnivor_20050118_2200_short-346.xml
-- in root also one single data record - nice for testing the xslt
- stylesheets,
- xsltproc db/alvis2index.xsl carni*.xml
- and so on.
-- in db/ a cql2pqf.txt yaz-client config file
- which is also used in the yaz-server CQL-to-PQF process
- see: http://www.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/tools.tkl#tools.cql.map
-- in db/ an indexing XSLT stylesheet. This is a PULL-type XSLT thing,
- as it constructs the new XML structure by pulling data out of the
- respective elements/attributes of the old structure.
- Notice the special zebra namespace, and the special elements in this
- namespace which indicate to the zebra indexer what to do.
- <z:record id="67ht7" rank="675" type="update">
- indicates that a new record with given id and static rank has to be updated.
- <z:index name="title" type="w">
- encloses all the text/XML which shall be indexed in the index named
- "title" and of index type "w" (see file default.idx in your zebra
- installation)
- </para>
- <para>
Z39.50 searching:
- search like this (using client-side CQL-to-PQF conversion):
+ search like this (using client-side <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF conversion):
yaz-client -q db/cql2pqf.txt localhost:9999
> format xml
> s 1
- search like this (using server-side CQL-to-PQF conversion):
+ search like this (using server-side <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF conversion):
(the only difference is "querytype cql" instead of
"querytype cql2rpn" and the call without specifying a local
conversion file)
-SRW/U searching
+ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/srw/">SRW</ulink>/U searching
Surf into http://localhost:9999
firefox http://localhost:9999
gives you an explain record. Unfortunately, the data found in the
- CQL-to-PQF text file must be added by hand-craft into the explain
+ <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>-to-PQF text file must be added by hand-craft into the explain
section of the yazserver.xml file. Too bad, but this is all extreme
new alpha stuff, and a lot of work has yet to be done ..
- Searching via SRU: surf into the URL (lines broken here - concat on
+ Searching via <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/">SRU</ulink>: surf into the URL (lines broken here - concat on
URL line)
- see number of hits:
More info: read the fine manuals at http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/srw/
- Search via SRW:
+ Search via <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/srw/">SRW</ulink>:
read the fine manual at
7) How do you add to the index attributes of any other type than "w"?
-I mean, in the context of making CQL queries. Let's say I want a date
-attribute in there, so that one could do date > 20050101 in CQL.
+I mean, in the context of making <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink> queries. Let's say I want a date
+attribute in there, so that one could do date > 20050101 in <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>.
Currently for example 'date-modified' is of type 'w'.
But here's the catch...doesn't the use of the 'd' type require
structure type 'date' (@attr 4=5) in PQF? But then...how does that
-reflect in the CQL->RPN/PQF mapping - does it really work if I just
+reflect in the <ulink url="http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/cql/">CQL</ulink>->RPN/PQF mapping - does it really work if I just
change the type of an element in alvis2index.sl? I would think not...?