-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.8 2002-11-06 20:13:45 mike Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.9 2002-11-08 13:50:17 mike Exp $
DOCDIR = ../../../../../docs
../../../../../lib/cql-java.jar: $(OBJ)
cd ../../../..; jar cf ../lib/cql-java.jar org/z3950/zing/cql/*.class
+# Your Java compiler will require that this source directory is on the
+# classpath. Generally, you can use the rules below, which set the
+# classpath suitably. But that will break if you need other elements
+# in the CLASSPATH too. If that's the situation you're in, take the
+# "-classpath ../../../.." flag out of the rules below, and set your
+# CLASSPATH environment variable to include
+# /where/ever/you/unpacked/it/cql-java-VERSION/src
+%.class: %.java
+ javac -classpath ../../../.. $<
docs: $(DOCDIR)/overview-tree.html
$(DOCDIR)/overview-tree.html: *.java
- nice javadoc -d $(DOCDIR) -author -version \
+ nice javadoc -classpath ../../../.. -d $(DOCDIR) -author -version \
-windowtitle cql-java org.z3950.zing.cql
-# Your Java compiler will require that this source directory is on the
-# CLASSPATH. You can either set your CLASSPATH environment variable
-# to include /where/ever/you/unpacked/it/cql-java-VERSION/src or try
-# changing the rule below to:
-# javac -classpath ../../../.. $<
-# (But that will break if you need other elements in the CLASSPATH
-# too, for the Java library -- as, for example, Jikes does.)
-%.class: %.java
- javac $<
rm -f $(OBJ) 'CQLLexer$$Keyword.class'