#include <stdio.h>
#include <yaz/mutex.h>
#include <yaz/oid_db.h>
+#include <yaz/yaz-version.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
struct scan_entry *scan_list;
struct scan_entry *buffer;
int *step_size = rr->step_size;
+ int scan_list_size = rr->num_entries;
int i;
char **basenames;
SV **temp;
rr->errcode = SvIV(err_code);
rr->num_entries = SvIV(number);
rr->status = SvIV(status);
+ if (yaz_version(NULL, NULL) >= 0x4022c && rr->num_entries <= scan_list_size) {
+ /* entries has been initialized by yaz and is big enough to hold all entries */
+ scan_list = rr->entries;
+ } else {
scan_list = (struct scan_entry *) odr_malloc (rr->stream, rr->num_entries * sizeof(*scan_list));
+ }
buffer = scan_list;
entries = (AV *)SvRV(entries_ref);
if (rr->errcode == 0) for (i = 0; i < rr->num_entries; i++)
strcpy(buffer->term, ptr);
temp = hv_fetch(scan_item, "OCCURRENCE", 10, 1);
buffer->occurrences = SvIV(*temp);
+ if (hv_exists(scan_item, "DISPLAY_TERM", 12))
+ {
+ temp = hv_fetch(scan_item, "DISPLAY_TERM", 12, 1);
+ ptr = SvPV(*temp, len);
+ buffer->display_term = (char *) odr_malloc (rr->stream, len + 1);
+ strcpy(buffer->display_term, ptr);
+ }