-# $Id: Node.pm,v 1.3 2004-12-20 09:46:58 mike Exp $
+# $Id: Node.pm,v 1.4 2007-10-05 12:13:05 mike Exp $
package Net::Z3950::PQF::Node;
+=head2 toSimpleServer()
+ $node->toSimpleServer();
+Transforms the contents of the tree rooted at the specified node,
+returning a correpsonding tree of the Perl structures produced by the
+Net::Z3950::SimpleServer module and passed as the {RPN} argument to
+search handlers. This emulation is useful for testing code that
+expects to receive queries in that format.
+sub toSimpleServer {
+ my $class = shift();
+ die "can't translate an abstract $class into SimpleServer form";
# PRIVATE base class, used as base by TermNode and RsetNode
package Net::Z3950::PQF::LeafNode;
return $text;
+sub toSimpleServer {
+ my $this = shift();
+ my $attrs = bless [], "Net::Z3950::RPN::Attributes";
+ foreach my $attr (@{ $this->{attrs} }) {
+ my($set, $type, $val) = @$attr;
+ push @$attrs, bless {
+ attributeSet => $set,
+ attributeType => $type,
+ attributeValue => $val,
+ }, "Net::Z3950::RPN::Attribute";
+ }
+ return bless {
+ $this->_ssname() => $this->{value},
+ attributes => $attrs,
+ }, $this->_ssclass();
package Net::Z3950::PQF::TermNode;
our @ISA = qw(Net::Z3950::PQF::LeafNode);
sub _name { "term" }
+sub _ssname { "term" }
+sub _ssclass { "Net::Z3950::RPN::Term" }
our @ISA = qw(Net::Z3950::PQF::LeafNode);
sub _name { "rset" }
+sub _ssname { "id" }
+sub _ssclass { "Net::Z3950::RPN::RSID" }
return $text;
+sub toSimpleServer {
+ my $this = shift();
+ my $res;
+ foreach my $sub (@{ $this->{sub} }) {
+ push @$res, $sub->toSimpleServer();
+ }
+ return bless $res, $this->_ssclass();
package Net::Z3950::PQF::AndNode;
our @ISA = qw(Net::Z3950::PQF::BooleanNode);
sub _op { "and" }
+sub _ssclass { "Net::Z3950::RPN::And" }
our @ISA = qw(Net::Z3950::PQF::BooleanNode);
sub _op { "or" }
+sub _ssclass { "Net::Z3950::RPN::Or" }
our @ISA = qw(Net::Z3950::PQF::BooleanNode);
sub _op { "not" }
+sub _ssclass { "Net::Z3950::RPN::AndNote" }