Example DOM XML filter configuration using XSLT stylesheets
Get some more data to play with:
cd data
(stop the script when you get tired waiting ..)
cd ../
Checking manually the retrieval stylesheets:
cat data/debug-record.xml
xsltproc conf/oai2dc.xsl data/debug-record.xml
xsltproc conf/oai2zebra.xsl data/debug-record.xml
Checking manually the indexing stylesheet:
xsltproc conf/oai2index.xsl data/debug-record.xml
zebraidx -c conf/zebra.cfg init
zebraidx -c conf/zebra.cfg update data
zebraidx -c conf/zebra.cfg commit
(in case you have not installed zebra yet, use the following command:
../../index/zebraidx -c conf/zebra.cfg this and that .. )
Starting the SRU/SRW/Z39.50 server in PQF mode only:
zebrasrv -c conf/zebra.cfg
Or, alternatively, starting the SRU/SRW/Z39.50 server including
PQF and CQL query configuration:
zebrasrv -f yazserver.xml
Z39.50 search:
yaz-client localhost:9999
Z> format xml
Z> querytype prefix
Z> find the
Z> show 1+1
Z39.50 presents using presentation stylesheets:
Z> elements dc
Z> show 2+1
Z> elements zebra
Z> show 3+1
Z39.50 buildin Zebra presents (in this configuration only if
started without yaz-frontendserver):
Z> elements zebra::facet::any:w,dc_title:w
Z> show 9+1
Z39.50 searches targeted at specific indexes
+ Z> find @attr 1=title communication
+ Z> show 1+1
+ Z> find @attr 1=author alain
+ Z> show 1+1
Z> elements zebra
Z> find @attr 1=oai_identifier @attr 4=3 oai:caltechcstr.library.caltech.edu:4
Z> show 1+1
Z> find @attr 1=oai_setspec @attr 4=3 7374617475733D756E707562
Z> show 1+1
- Z> find @attr 1=dc_title communication
- Z> show 1+1
- Z> find @attr 1=dc_identifier @attr 4=3
+ Z> find @attr 1=identifier @attr 4=3
Z> show 1+1
structure attribute instruction.
Notice also that searching and scan on indexes
- 'dc_contributor', 'dc_language', 'dc_rights', and 'dc_source'
+ 'contributor', 'language', 'rights', and 'source'
fails, simply because none of the records in this example set
have these fields set, and consequently, these indexes are
_not_ created.
+Z39.50 searches using Bib-1
+- only if bib1.att is referred to from zebra.cfg
+ Z> find @attr 1=4 communication
+ Z> show 1+1
+ Z> find @attr 1=1003 alain
+ Z> show 1+1
+ Z> find @attr 1=21 all
+ Z> show 1+1
+ Z> find @attr 1=1018 data
+ Z> show 1+1
Z39.50 scan: